
New Releases

Check out the films recently added to Available Light On Demand's library.

Still from Doctor, Lawyer, Indian Chief

Doctor, Lawyer, Indian Chief

Five Native women from across Canada explain how they got to where they are in life today, and each of these women attests to the importance of Native culture in helping her to develop a sense of self.

Still from Don’t Bring Lulu

Don’t Bring Lulu

A lively and cheeky rendition of the song 'Don't Bring Lulu', expressing a feminist twist for the song's namesake.

Still from Grief


When Robin’s cat is killed by wolves, he is forced to grapple with the loss under the watchful eye of his roommate.

Still from How People Got Fire

How People Got Fire

A young girl learns the power of storytelling from her grandmother.

Still from Picturing A People: George Johnston, Tlingit Photographer

Picturing A People: George Johnston, Tlingit Photographer

The life and times of George Johnston, a photographer and keeper of memories for the Tlingit nation.

Still from The Summoning of Fräulein Bubbleface

The Summoning of Fräulein Bubbleface

God calls in the big guns for help.

Funding for Available Light on Demand provided by

Canada Council for the ArtsGovernment of Yukon

A partnership of

Yukon Film SocietyKIAC